

If you're an artist either through music, dance, theater...etc. Get use to it.
Wether you agree with it or not, it's going to be there. If it's professional then take it in and use it. If it's silly ranting or narrow-minded opinions then brush it off and keep going.

:] Either way, you will run into it and that's just part of the whole art deal. You're putting yourself out there. Not everyone's going to like it. D:

Anyway...just something my sister talked to me about made me want to write this out.

--On the more personal note, I am sick with a UTI (basically a bladder infection). It sucks ..but hopefully it goes away soon. X___X I think I'm going to go update my cosplay blog! ^~^;

I have two blogs...okay? >___>;

P.S. My fiance comes home this Friday! I'm so happy~!!! I miss him...~

1 comment:

  1. Haha! I didn't know you posted this. I'm finally looking through posted blogs. :D
