Anyway....ugh...I really don't know WHAT I am going to do. I know what I want to be in though, but if God has another plan for me then I will willingly do so. I believe though that I belong in the art industry. It's always been such a pleasure to express my feelings and interests visually. Even in highschool, I was the one kid who everyone at the school knew (even though I wasn't popular like..."rich" wise)...but they all knew me as Bridget, the crazy girl who wore stuff no one else had the guts to. :P My backpack...was always covered in such random things! My hair never stayed the same color for more than a month or two and my clothes never matched in THEIR eyes but in my eyes it was a master piece. XD Ahhh...and now I find myself making costumes and showing them off at conventions. I the attention but I love the fact that something I made is given attention. It feels like I did something. Now I want to do more, I want to make a living this way....but it seems hardly anyone does anything they like.
Right now...I'm thinking I can go into theatre, not the acting part...even though I LOVED drama when I took one semester of it, but in the costume and make-up department. Even though I've never been great at make up(Maybe because I don't try or have cheap make up :[ ) ...I still love the whole dress-up thing. Using the body as your canvas and turning it into something even more creative! The body, in my eyes, will always be the most beautiful creation! God truly is amazing..... and He's amazing enough to share a tiny bit of His creation with me...and all those who are crazy talented!
I must use whatever this...strange gift I have, otherwise I'll lose it.
I really plan on working harder on my costumes these years, and getting back into school. An Art school to be exact. I want to be inspired and I want to put my heart into it. ~
Ahh...I don't even think anyone really reads this blog. Which is totally fine. I'm more comfortable with my other blog being read anyway. This one seems to get personal. (x_X);
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